
Welcome to the Life in Jesus Community Forum

This is no ordinary Christian Forum

The Life in Christ Forum is different from most Christian Forums in that it is neither a club where members are happy to just be happy together with an added little encouragement towards the path set by our Saviour Jesus Christ, with a few jokes, and the weather set on the side, nor is it a place where minds meet together to discuss the latest prophecies and doctrines of the Christian faith.

This Forum brings together individual followers of Christ searching for the maturity of heart and life required by the faith, discussing the various forms of sacrifices the holiness of God impels Christians, toward a sanctification approved and sensitive to the holy Spirit according to Scriptures, the most holy Bible, strengthening each other unto the day our Lord returns in search of those who have dedicated their lives to sanctification and purity.

There will be chats, there will be jokes, there will be some debates and some doctrines discussed, but the focus of this Forum is certainly not these, as One centres his or her soul and heart on Christ our Lord, the mandate of the faith becomes clearer ( 1 Timothy 1:5), and the jokes and the chats become less important, but the praise, the glory and the exultation of God in practical service through Jesus Christ in the holy Spirit is left to take over.

Be most welcome and blessed

"Life was made manifest, and we have seen, and bear witness, and declare unto you the Life, the eternal Life, which was with the Father, and was made manifest to us.... And this is the message which we have heard from Him and announce unto you, that God is Light, and there is no darkness at all in Him"

1 John 1:2-5


